
Archive for June, 2010

Hey pig, yeah you

I’m fine, why do you ask me that? Even if there was something wrong, it wouldn’t matter now, would it?

Well, I haven’t taken into consideration the copious amounts of shit you’ve been selling (more like force feeding) me lately; in fact, I should be the one who’s angry. NOT YOU. What you’ve done is in no way just or fair. So to speak. But I did came to the conclusion that you are a motherfucking pig. And a coward. You didn’t have the balls to answer to a YES or NO question. It was only a question and to top that I was miles away. No, you had to say “you were busy”. Well, it certainly took you longer to write that then yes/no. You are a lying and deceiving person who cannot tolerate people who have an opinion or people who ask questions. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? You are so self-absorbed and you think you know everything, but the minute someone who has far more knowledge in a certain filed than you steps in you try to mock him/her? Or to say something that is not true, or threaten him/her? You know shit, but you somehow convinced people you are good at what you do. Well guess what asshole! You are a fucking prick (and I hope you choke and die just for the sake of me going to your fucking funeral and saying “Karma, baby! What a bitch!”). You are as ignorant as the glass of coke you drink on a daily basis or at 3  AM (I don’t know how a glass of something can be ignorant, just play along). Oh, but you’re worse. Much, much worse.

You sell lies, you promise the moon and expect everything in return. The rest? Fuck the rest, that’s your motto (or it should be). You don’t care about other people’s opinion. You LACK  a fucking spine (okay, this sounds better in Romanian, but at that moment I was angry…) integrity for heaven’s sake. You are a fat shallow hypocrite who takes things personally and holds a grudge for a minor observation.

to be continued….

Where was I? Ah, yes, you being a MAJOR cunt. I still cannot believe how you treat people and they accept that. Well, let me tell you something, it won’t get you far on the long run. But, we live and learn so I might as well get deal with the fact that you cannot get what you want… No it’s not that. That people are self-absorbed… It’s not this either. That you are a >100 kg pig (or asshole, your choice)? Maybe.

Categories: English, Personal Tags: ,

If this is not stupid, then I don’t know what is

hello to all sexy blk man i need a woman age 18-26, to let me be your sugar dad, plz baby let me pay your bill, and fix your car, we can meet one time a week, on one need to know but you and me baby, i work a lot baby to get the shit you need, to keep you happy, but the time i have off ,, i want to have fun, you know? all i nee is one, sexy blk woman to make happy, i hope you get back to me soon, baby fatboy need love to,, so let talk, plz send pic if you do not have one that cool ,, plz e- mail back,,my name tony, from gardena ca a 37 blk man, that want you baby, this is no game or bull try me and you wil see,,call me,,3one,o,8six8four3two8,love to talk to you baby on this you tell me your the boss,

from craiglist

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Now this is an inspired commercial. Really.

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Hanul cu Tei… sau mai bine nu

M-am dus zilele astea să mă uit de niște chestii. Unde? Cred că este evident încă din titlu. Pe Lipscani, la magazinele alea cu creioașe, pensule, acuarele și alte bălării care mai de care mai scumpe și trendy pentru hipsterașii care își pierd vremea pe acolo (aici nu vorbesc de persoanele care chiar folosesc acele ustensile ci strict despre acea rasă de adolescentis rebelus supraponderalus și mai completați și voi). Reperez produsul cu pricina, mă rog, doar cutia, și cer să îl pipăi. Produsul, nu pe altcineva. Când mi-l dă, stupoare – prețul era de doar 100 lei. SĂ MORI TU! Căcatul ăla micuț din plastic costă atâta? Atunci poți să îl păstrezi că nu sunt nebună să plătesc atât pe porcăria aia. Am ajuns acasă și dau rapid un search pe atotștiutorul Google. Trei link-uri mai încolo ajung la minunatul produs. Prețul: 35 Ron. Aham. Dacă mai căutam nițel sigur îl găseam mai ieftin.

Morala acestei povești? Nici măcar nu îi mai văd rostul.

Categories: Romanian Tags: