
Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category


I have no idea why old people think this, but no one likes dried fruit. No one. Seriously, it’s like taking everything you liked about actual fruit, sucking it out, and then pretending that the sad, withered husk that used to be food is actually a great tasting treat. What’s that? You like sweet, juicy grapes? Well too fucking bad. Here are some raisins. Gnaw on these depressing little nuggets that in no way look like rat shit and try not to think about the fact that it feels like your chewing on a goddamn tire. Bon Appetite.

I can’t remember where I saw this one. If you by any chance happen to know who wrote this, I would gladly put here the source of this quote.

This is how I feel about dried fruits.  Especially raisins. I would rather starve than eat something that was touched by a raisin. I don’t know why I hate them so much, considering the fact that I remember eating them (of course, this can also be my memory playing tricks on me… again; it’s not like it’s the first time that happened t me; deja vu? jamais vu? I hate myself vu?). But that a loooong, loooong time ago… in a different era.

Categories: English, Quotes

Quote of the day

“I went to a tattoo parlor and had YES written onto the palm of my left hand, and NO onto my right palm, what can I say, it hasn’t made my life wonderful, it’s made life possible, when I rub my hands against each other in the middle of winter I am warming myself with the friction of YES and NO, when I clap my hands I am showing my appreciation through the uniting and parting of YES and NO, I signify “book” by peeling open my hands, every book, for me, is the balance of YES and NO, even this one, my last one, especially this one. Does it break my heart, of course, every moment of every day, into more pieces than my heart was made of, I never thought of myself as quiet, much less silent, I never thought about things at all, everything changed, the distance that wedged itself between me and my happiness wasn’t the world, it wasn’t the bombs and burning buildings, it was me, my thinking, the cancer of never letting go, is ignorance bliss, I don’t know, but it’s so painful to think, and tell me, what did thinking ever do for me, to what great place did thinking ever bring me? I think and think and think, I’ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.

Extremely loud and incredibly close – Jonathan Safran Foer

(I might as well continue to publish these quotes because I do believe it’s the only way to keep this blog up and running)


There’s no now, there’s no now, everything is in the near future or the recent past. But there’s no present.

You only have a short time.. Sounds a little terminal doesn’t it?

People use things like kingdom come to measure time.
“I’m gonna be standing here ’till kingdom come…”
“Shit, I don’t have that on my watch.”

George Carlin – Does time bother you?

Think for a moment about the concept of the flamethrower. Okay? The flamethrower. Because we have them. Well, *we* don’t have them, the army has them. That’s right. We don’t have any flamethrowers. I’d say we’re fucked if we have to go up against the army, wouldn’t you? But we have flamethrowers. And what this indicates to me, it means that at some point, some person said to himself, “Gee, I sure would like to set those people on fire over there. But I’m way to far away to get the job done. If only I had something that would throw flame on them.” Well, it might have ended right there, but he mentioned it to his friend. His friend who was good with tools. And about a month later, he was back. “Hey, quite a concept!” WHHOOOOOOOOSSHHH! And of course the army heard about it, and they came around. “We’d like to buy about five hundred-thousand of them please. We have some people we’d like to throw flame on. Give us five hundred thousand and paint them dark brown. We don’t want anyone to see them.”

George Carlin – Flamethrowers

Now I’m making up for yesterday’s lack of Quote(s) of the day.


I decided to start a daily column*. As you might have guessed from the title, you’ll find in it quotes that I find amusing, or I really, really love.

*Not sure if it’s going to be daily. I do tend to procrastinate things untill there’s no tomorrow.

So without further ado, the quotes:

-She reads Wuthering Heights for the ‘fun of it’. Good God, I couldn’t even read that book out of self punishment. But it’s so PERFECT for her because…come on. Wuthering Fuckin’ Heights, indeed.

“His dazzling face was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips.”

DAZZLING. That is the most dumbass description I’ve ever heard in my life. IT MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE IN THIS GOOD EARTH. *STAB*

Via Figgy (in the article about the Twilight series)

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