
Posts Tagged ‘evolution’

It’s a must

You know what’s the problem with today’s society? No more natural selection.

Cum stăteam și lucram la un proiect pentru facultate, am avut o sclipire de geniu. Știu, știu, și pe mine m-a uimit, mai ales că am ajuns la o concluzie mai mult decat evidentă și pe care mulți au susținut-o poate dinainte să mă nasc. Și mi-am întrerupt și cele 10 minute în care scrisesem ceva pentru nenorocita aia de lucrare, ca sa îmi notez gândurile astea. They’re gold, I tell ya. Natural selection, you know survival of the fittest. Acum toți au dreptul la viață, chiar dacă sunt bătrâni sau au dizabilități fizice sau mentale. Oh, how politically correct I sound. Let me tell ya this, I should get the fucking Nobel Prize for Peace. Moving on. But think about it, only the fittest one survives so he can provide for him and his pack of tiny parasites also called family. Evolution, honey, we’re cheating on you. In the past, it was easy, if you couldn’t provide what it was that you could provide, then you would slowly become a burden to those around you, that is if you weren’t already one, and, eventually, you would be left behind… to die, or be killed, whichever worked. That’s how population kept its number low up until the 18th century. But then came the medical breakthroughs and people started fornicating more, there were less and less infant mortalities thanks to the mind-blowing idea of washing your hands after you came from the morgue to deliver a baby. Where was, I? Ah yes. Natural selection. We’re too many. I said it, way too many people, and we’re heading to 7 billion and we’re not getting younger. That’s the truth, and if there is no scientific breakthrough that makes cloning possible or we don’t make any baby factories we’ll be screwed. Think that in 10 years from now the median age will be  40 or over it (okey, I might have exaggerated a little bit, just to make a point) and people over 65 will comprise around 30% of the worldwide population. (I didn’t get my number straigt, but this is not gonna be a scientific article, maybe when I’ll have time I will look at it, but from what I’ve read untill now in 2050 the older population will be half of the world population, so I’m not being absurd here) That is if the end of the world doesn’t come in 2012. But I’m still optimist.

PS: I’m am not interested in caring about your opinion, nor will I accept any comments regarding the accuracy of the data, because I know it’s not accurate so please do yourself a favor and die.